Colorful, distinctively shaped, and delicious!
Fruit ranges from 5 to 15 pounds!
Genus: Cucurbita
Species: mixta
Variety: Autumn Colors Cushaw Hybrid
Item Form: 30 (P) Pkt
Days To Maturity: 105
Fruit Color: Green
Habit: Vining
Additional Characteristics: Direct Sow, Edible
Harvest Season: Early Fall, Late Fall, Late Summer, Mid Fall, Mid Summer
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Moisture Requirements: Moist, well-drained
Soil Tolerance: Normal, loamy
Uses: Beds, Cuisine, Ornamental, Outdoor, Vines and Climbers
105 days from direct sowing.
It’s the ideal edible ornamental for your autumn home! Autumn Colors is a cushaw pumpkin boasting 3 bright colors, an attractively curved neck, and delectable flesh and seeds. A lovely ornamental for the porch steps, the mantel, and the dining table, it’s also a delicious squash you’ll love in soups, stews, casseroles, and pies all season long. You just can’t go wrong with this fun and tasty squash!
Autumn Colors pumpkins reach anywhere from 5 to 15 pounds, with a fascinating shape. The base is a rounded bulb, with a long, curving neck and inclined tip (somewhat like a swan-shaped gourd). The base is dark green, the rest of the rind is golden-yellow, and the entire fruit is vertically striped in white.
Best of all, this pumpkin is delicious. The flesh is orange and sweet, with the seed cavity contained at the base of the fruit. The seeds are yummy as well. The fruit holds well after harvest — and you can expect 2 to 3 fruits on every plant!
Grow Autumn Colors as you would any other pumpkin, with plenty of space for the vines to spread. Direct-sow the seed into the warm spring soil, keep it watered and weeded, and you’ll be seeing the little tri-colored beauties form in no time!
4 reviews for Autumn Colors Cushaw Pumpkin