Up to 11 Ultra-sweet Peas in Every Plump Pod!
This shelling pea is delicious fresh or may be frozen for use all winter.
Genus: Pisum
Species: sativum
Variety: Green Arrow
Days to Maturity: 70
Fruit Color: Green
Habit: Vining
Plant Height: 24 in – 2 ft 4 in
Additional Characteristics: Edible, Cool Season, Direct Sow, Easy Care Plants, Trellises
Harvest Season: Late Fall, Late Spring, Mid Fall, Mid Spring
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Moisture Requirements: Moist, well-drained
Resistance: Fusarium Wilt Races 1 & 2, Powdery Mildew
Soil Tolerance: Normal, loamy
Uses: Outdoor, Beds, Cuisine, Vines and Climbers
70 days from direct sowing.
You’ll enjoy big harvests from this vigorous shelling pea! A main-season English pea that often sets double pods, Green Arrow (also known as Green Shaft) is an old and well-respected name for generous yields of large, tasty seeds that can be eaten fresh or frozen.
This plant grows quickly to 24 to 28 inches high. Stake it to hold up its bounty of plump 4-inch-long green pods, each packed with up to 11 delicious seeds. Many gardeners use a pea fence or trellis with pea plants on either side to save space. Widely adapted, Green Arrow tolerates Powdery Mildew and Fusarium Wilt, which improves the size of its yields and the quality of its crop.
Peas are a cool-season crop, easy to grow and very quick to harvest. Sow the seeds outdoors (they do not like to be transplanted) as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring (1 to 2 weeks before last anticipated frost date is a good rule of thumb). Direct-sow the seeds 1 to 2 inches apart and 1 to 1½ inches deep. In warm southern and western climates, peas are also ideal as a fall crop started in late summer.
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