Super disease resistance!
Top-size green spears with feisty purple tips!
Genus: Asparagus
Species: officinalis
Variety: Jersey Knight Hybrid
Item Form: (P) Pkt of 25 seeds
Zone: 2 – 8
Days to Maturity: 912
Fruit Color: Green
Habit: Upright
Seeds Per Pack: 25
Plant Height: 24 in – 5 ft
Fruit Diameter: 0.625 in
Additional Characteristics: Cool Season, Edible
Harvest Season: Early Summer
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Moisture Requirements: Moist, well-drained
Resistance: Alternaria Alternata (Crown Wilt), Common Rust, Disease Resistant, Fusarium Wilt Races 1 & 2
Soil Tolerance: Normal, loamy
Uses: Outdoor
Jersey Knight is 99.5% male seeds, so you can count on larger, more profuse spears than ever from this ultra-vigorous performer! The spears are top-size — a full 5/8-inch in diameter — and are bright green with deep purple tips and bracts. Stunning on the dinner plate, they’re one of the easiest varieties to grow, thanks to terrific vigor that makes these plants come back stronger every year!
The yield you can expect from Jersey Knight is 2 to 4 times greater than older strains, such as the Washington series. Highly Rust-resistant and tolerant of Fusarium, Crown and Rust Rot, Jersey Knight is the one you want for years of reliable peformance!
Asparagus from seed is one of the best bargains in the garden. This perennial produces many crops of fresh spears that sell for very high prices in the supermarket, yet it is relatively easy to grow! Prepare the soil well, adding plenty of organic matter and fertilizing with a well-balanced mixture such as 5-10-10. Asparagus has deep, spreading roots, so be sure the soil is well-worked. Thin the seedlings to about 1 1/2 feet apart and water well during growth. Fertilize twice annually (before new spring growth and right after harvest). Cut no spears the first year, and cut only sparingly the second in order to encourage a great crop for the third year. If you want white (blanched) Asparagus, simply block out the light as the spears are forming by applying mulch on the plants. Pkt is 25 seeds.
1 review for Jersey Knight Hybrid Asparagus Seeds