A Container Snap Pea!
Holds well in warm weather! Genus 2: Pisum
Species: sativum
Variety: Little SnapPea Crunch
Item Form: (P) Pkt of 60 seeds
Days to Maturity: 58
Fruit Color: Green
Habit: Compact
Seeds Per Pack: 60
Plant Height: 2 ft 4 in – 2 ft 8 in
58 days from direct sowing.
The first-ever container snap pea, Little SnapPea Crunch is a delightful addition to patio, porch, and deck. This self-supporting variety is heavy-bearing and holds well, even in warm weather. Rely on it to extend your vegetable garden beyond the confines of the sunny bed!
Little SnapPea Crunch is vigorous and sturdy, setting a big crop of plump, curved pale green pods, each bursting with tender peas. They crunch delightfully when broken open or bitten into, while the peas are sugary sweet and delectable!
And best of all, wherever you decide to grow this pea, you won’t need any fences or strings, supports or trellises to help the plants hold up their bounty of delicious peas! It’s so easy to pop Little SnapPea Crunch among the flowering annuals in the sunny bed, or add a few nice planters to the display on the back deck. Vegetable gardening has never been this fun . . . or portable!
Expect Little SnapPea Crunch to reach 28 to 32 inches high if planted in the garden, and somewhat smaller in containers. Don’t worry if the cool spring weather gives way too soon to summer heat — this snap pea is prepared to hold well on the vine!
Easy to grow, peas love cold weather, so plant as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring. Direct-sow 1 to 2 inches apart and 1 to 1½ inches deep; thin to 6 inches apart in the garden. Peas are also ideal as a fall crop started in late summer. To conserve space and simplify harvesting, sow in double rows with a trellis between rows. Packet is 2 ounces, which sows 10 to 12 feet of row.
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