Moonlight Petunia is a member of the Romantica series. Romantica petunias are all male sterile petunias. These unique, F1 hybrid petunias flower earlier and continuously, from late spring to fall. And their exceptional branching on short internodes guarantees bountiful blooms throughout the season.
Romantica Moonlight, a multiflora, star-patterned petunia, sets small 2-inch frilled and velvety blooms in a rich burgundy hue accentuated by a light rose-colored star, with variation on the same plant and subtle changes occurring as the flower ages and the temperature fluctuates.
Romantica Moonlight petunias have a well-branched, compact, mounded habit that’s perfect for patio pots, window boxes, and hanging baskets. Petunias also make great edging or ground cover in beds and borders. Petunias can be planted alongside perennials and vegetables to repel asparagus beetles, leafhoppers, tomato worms, a range of aphids, and many other pests.
Petunias are easy to grow in sunny to lightly shady spots with average, medium moist, freely draining soil. Romantica petunias have improved frost and heat tolerance, thriving in temperatures that range from 41 to 104°F; and they tolerate light rain and recover quickly after heavy rain.
Direct sow Romantica Moonlight petunia seeds after the last frost in spring, as soon as the soil is warm, or start seeds indoors 10 to 12 weeks before the last frost and transplant after all threat of frost has passed.
Grow beautiful petunias from seed with the helpful tips found on our Know Before You Grow page, featuring expert advice for a variety of flower species. For additional support, explore our Apps to Help You Grow and Answer Gardening Questions to keep your garden blooming all season long.
This seed comes as a pellet. Pelleted seeds are small seeds that have been clay-coated to make them larger and more uniform in size and shape, making them easier to handle when planting.
Species:x hybrida
Variety:Romantica Moonlight
Product Classification:Seeds
Sun / Shade:Full Sun
Bloom Season Start:Late Spring
Bloom Season End:Mid Fall
Bloom Color:Multi-Color
Foliage Color:Medium Green
Characteristics:Butterfly Lovers, Easy Care Plants, Free Bloomer, Long Bloomers, Repeat Bloomer
Uses:Baskets, Beds, Border, Containers
Shipping Method Restrictions:none
Seeds Per Pack:Pkt of 10 seeds
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